
We introduce the forum for discussions of various topics like :

Discussing the problems and the rights and duties of the Indian Consumer, including the individual grievances of the consumers, and to compare the Indian consumer with the species from the rest of the world. (Consumer Forum)

Discussing the Indian laws relating to the world of Information Technology, and to compare the Indian Cyber Laws with similar laws from the rest of the world. (Cyber Laws Forum)

Discussing the laws and the problems relating to various family and personal laws in India, including several individual personal problems and grievances and to compare various laws governing different people, relating to the same. (Family and Personal Laws Forum)

Discussing the problems and the grievances that one may have against the government and the authorities or the high and mighty or the system in general or specific. (Grievance Forum)

And a new one for the students of law, as well as the general intelligentsia to discuss the basic tenets and concept of law, the definitions and primary meanings of law. (Academic Forum)

The Discussion Forum