Alphabetical List
Central Acts
'E' - 'F'
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Sr. No. | Name of the Act | Year | Act No. |
355 | Easements (Extending Act 5 of 1882) | 1891 | 8 |
356 | East-Punjab Urban Rent Restriction (Extension to Chandigarh) Act | 1974 | 54 |
357 | Economic Offences (Inapplicability of Limitation) Act | 1974 | 12 |
358 | Election Commission (Conditions of Service of Election | 1991 | 11 |
359 | Election Laws (Extension to Sikkim) Act | 1976 | 10 |
360 | Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act | 1998 | 14 |
361 | Electricity (Supply) Act | 1948 | 54 |
362 | Elephants' Preservation Act | 1879 | 6 |
363 | Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act | 1950 | 12 |
364 | Emigration Act | 1983 | 31 |
365 | Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act | 1952 | 19 |
366 | Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions (Amendment) Act | 1988 | 33 |
367 | Employees' State Insurance Act | 1948 | 34 |
368 | Employees' State Insurance (Amendment) Act | 1989 | 29 |
369 | Employers' Liability Act | 1938 | 24 |
370 | Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act | 1959 | 31 |
371 | Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Lavatories Act | 1993 | 46 |
372 | Enemy Property Act | 1968 | 34 |
373 | Environment (Protection) Act | 1986 | 29 |
374 | Epidemic Diseases Act | 1897 | 3 |
375 | Equal Remuneration Act | 1976 | 25 |
376 | Essential Commodities Act | 1955 | 10 |
377 | Essential Services Maintenance (Assam) Act | 1980 | 41 |
378 | Esso (Acquisition of Undertakings in India) Act | 1974 | 4 |
379 | Estate Duty Act | 1953 | 34 |
380 | Estate Duty (Distribution) Act | 1962 | 9 |
381 | Evacuee Interest (Separation) Act | 1951 | 64 |
382 | Excess Profits Tax Act | 1940 | 15 |
383 | Exchange of Prisoners Act | 1948 | 58 |
384 | Excise (Malt Liquors) Act | 1890 | 13 |
385 | Excise (Spirits) Act | 1863 | 16 |
386 | Expenditure-tax Act | 1987 | 35 |
387 | Explosive Substances Act | 1908 | 6 |
388 | Explosives Act | 1884 | 4 |
389 | Export-Import Bank of India Act | 1981 | 28 |
390 | Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act | 1963 | 22 |
391 | Extradition Act | 1962 | 34 |
392 | Factories Act | 1948 | 63 |
393 | Family Courts Act | 1984 | 66 |
394 | Faridabad Development Corporation Act | 1956 | 90 |
395 | Fatal Accidents Act | 1855 | 13 |
396 | Federal Court Act | 1937 | 25 |
397 | Federal Court (Enlargement of Jurisdiction) Act, 1947 | 1948 | 1 |
398 | Finance Commission (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act | 1951 | 33 |
399 | Food Corporations Act | 1964 | 37 |
400 | Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act | 1976 | 49 |
401 | Foreign Exchange Regulation Act | 1973 | 46 |
402 | Foreign Exchange Conservation (Travel) Tax Abolition Act | 1992 | 28 |
403 | Foreign Jurisdiction Act | 1947 | 47 |
404 | Foreign Marriage Act | 1969 | 33 |
405 | Foreign Recruiting Act | 1874 | 4 |
406 | Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act | 1992 | 22 |
407 | Foreigners Act | 1946 | 31 |
408 | Foreigners Law (Application and Amendment) Act | 1962 | 42 |
409 | Forest (Conservation) Act | 1980 | 69 |
410 | Forfeited Deposits Act | 1850 | 25 |
411 | Forfeiture Act | 1859 | 9 |
412 | Former Secretary of State Service Officers (Conditions of Service) Act | 1972 | 59 |
413 | Fort William Act | 1881 | 13 |
414 | Forward Contracts (Regulation) Act | 1952 | 74 |
415 | Futwah-Islampur Light Railway Line (Nationalisation) Act | 1985 | 83 |