About The Portal


We have tried to put together this portal (Vakil [Lawyer or Advocate - in Hindi] Babu [Sir - in Hindi] - is the respectful word for attorneys in India) in our sincere attempt to :


Make our visitors generally aware about the Indian Laws and the Indian Judicial System.


Try and help our visitors in overcoming their legal problems connected with India and Indians around the world, by giving the visitors Legal Advice - FREE - as far as possible.


Also to provide (in public area) solution to some common problems and to respond to their Frequently Asked Questions.


Bring Considered opinion of the experts in their fields to the legal and related  fraternity.


Encourage our visitors to discuss their problems and air their grievances, relating to the Indian Laws and Judicial Systems, as well as legal subjects of academic interest.


Service our esteemed clients, through this web site.

However, we DO NOT wish to bombard our visitors with laws, leaving the interpretation to them, but our emphasis here is for fruitful interaction with our visitors as a useful means in solving the real life problems, and as the dedicated officers of the courts and as the qualified interpreters of law, we believe it is our sacred and humble duty to interpret laws for the visitors fitting into the individual facts of their problems.