Imigration related Services
With the help of our advocate and non-advocate associates all over India, we arrange for and also undertake undertaking Visa formalities to get them a Visa or extension thereof in India, as well as help those with necessary documentation and other support, who are interested in becoming an Indian Citizen, a brief description of which services is as under :
We help the Visa and its extension seekers in completing the formalities and try to obtain requisite sponsors for them to complete the legal necessities as well as fulfil the procedure to obtain the Visa or extension thereof by promoting their cause before the appropriate authorities. In brief we act as being instrumental in getting the Student, Tourist, Business, Transit, Service, Missionaries, Journalist or Conference Visas to eligible persons.
Again we help persons interested in acquiring Indian citizenship by promoting their cause before the appropriate authorities as well as guide them and help them in fulfilling the requirements as well as completing the legal formalities so as to obtain Indian Citizenship by naturalisation, marriage, claim it by birth or childhood, or by registering as an Indian Citizen.
For the quantum of our fees, alongwith the fees of our associates wherever applicable, in which case our fees is a percentage of the fees charged by our associate (mainly to cover the communication and coordination costs), each of which differs from case to case and matter to matter but are generally related to the quantum of work and time involved, you shall have to contact us.
The fees as well as all other charges are payable in advance, as the per the schedule provided to you, and as per the manner laid out.